Monthly Archives: December 2014

Leeks & Leftovers

It’s become a tradition in our house to use up the leftover Christmas turkey in a Turkey & Leek pie which keeps us fuelled through to New Year.  I planted nearly 70 leeks in the summer and they’re standing well in the plot.  Yesterday I lifted a few to give me the 2 kilos I needed for this Jamie Oliver recipe.


They always look a bit grotty at this time of year but once you’ve removed the first layer they are pristine white and well blanched, and sweated down into a lovely sweet filling for the pie along with the leftover turkey, streaky bacon and bits of stuffing and sausage meat.

I don’t faff around with the last part of the recipe – rolling out the pastry and folding in chestnuts and sage leaves – just an egg wash and into the oven.


And there you have it from plot to plate in a couple of hours! A hearty belly filler, just the job at this time of year.

Not much going on at the plot, just harvesting a few parsnips and leeks, with squash, beetroot and potatoes in store. I should be sorting out my long parsnip and carrot mixes really but I’ve been busy over Christmas and prefer to be out and about rather than in the garage. Like this morning when I was out for a couple of hours on the mountain bike in fabulous winter sunshine.


Hope you’re all having a great Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.